Most Beautiful Baby Ever Born!!!
Okay I guess I shouldn't say that as I believe that all of my children are beautiful. I guess my feelings are amplified due to what the baby had to endure the whole gestation period. So without further ado, here is my birth story:
I started having contractions the night of Feb. 5th and they were really close like every 5 mins for like 3 hours. I was like is this the real thing or was i just losing my mind. So I went to sleep and when I woke up they were gone. So on Feb. 6th, dh and I decided that I would go and walk some to see if I could get the contractions to start again and they did but after awhile they subsided again. Then dh started to get a little on edge so we did what got us there in the first place. LOL My contractions started up and they kept on going so we took the children to my parents house and went to the hospital. I think the main reason why I went is because I kept having contractions but nothing was really progressing.
So on Feb. 7th we wound up in L & D where they hooked me up the machines and monitored me for like an hour and my contractions had AGAIN slowed down and when they checked me I was 1cm with 70% effacement. So they sent me home but before they did that's when all the questions started about pre-natal care and how do I know my due date is really the 8th. blah blah blah. so the midwife set me up with all kinds of appts. i got bloodwork done before i even left the hospital that night and then the next day on the 8th I was sent to get an in-depth ultrasound done to make sure the baby was alright and she was of course but my technician didn't have any idea of what she was doing because we were there for an hour and a half and she had to call someone to help her see. can you believe that???
then i had an appt on feb. 9th to get a non stress test (NST) done and have my amniotic fluid level checked and also to see the ob/gyn. that's when i found out that my fluid level was at 6.2 and if was near 5 i would be induced. the ob checked me and even though i was having contractions, i was still only 1 cm dialated, 70% effaced at -1 station and my cervix was posterior. then he scheduled me to have another NST and amnio fluid check for saturday feb. 10th. when i went in that day i my fluid was supposedly at 8.6. so i didn't think anything of it and went about the rest of my weekend because i already had an appt for monday the 12th to get another NST and amnio fluid check.
at this point we were so tired of driving 45 miles to the doctor that we really didn't even feel like going anymore but i guess dh was the sensible one, so we made the trip once again this time with ALL of our children in tow because dd didn't have school for the holiday. the NSTs were always great but when she checked my fluid it was at 3.something all i remember was her saying to me "your time is up" and me saying "oh sh!t". big laugh her asking me if i had somewhere to be and me saying i have to find someone to watch my children. LOL
we started calling everyone and the nearest person was still an hour away from us. i stalled in the waiting room of the L & D dept for about 1/2 hour with my chart. then i finally went and checked in about 11:30am. they didn't start my induction until 1:30pm and it progressed slowly as they induced me with pitocin because my cervix was 80% effaced and i was dialated 3cm but still at -1 and posterior. so the doc pulled my cervix forward and i we waited for something to get started.
i can say that stuff didn't really get started until about 6:30-7pm because that is when i finally was at 6 cms and things got hectic. LOL so i was laboring and my mom was trying to take my mind off of things by telling me to find my chi... we both do yoga and that was totally the wrong time but the right time. LOL labored some more and i could tell that i was near the pivotal point the last couple of cms because the pain was unbearable and my contractions were every 1.5 to 2 mins apart. i gave in ladies because i couldn't take the pain any longer and i got an epidural around 9:30 and by the time that they actually finished giving it to me, the doc checked and found out that i was completely dialated. i was afraid that it would've slowed my labor. LOL
once the epi kicked in it was about 10:45pm and i was still feeling the pressure but it was tolerable. LOL so the nurse asked if i was ready to push and i told her yep, so she and dh had me pushing until about 11:15pm and then she told me to hold on because she had to get either the midwife or ob to come and deliver the baby can you believe that? LOL it was too bad because little mama was coming out all by herself at this point. big laugh the ob finally arrived and around 11:45pm and i was free to push. my beautiful baby girl was born on 2/13 at 12:05am.
I started having contractions the night of Feb. 5th and they were really close like every 5 mins for like 3 hours. I was like is this the real thing or was i just losing my mind. So I went to sleep and when I woke up they were gone. So on Feb. 6th, dh and I decided that I would go and walk some to see if I could get the contractions to start again and they did but after awhile they subsided again. Then dh started to get a little on edge so we did what got us there in the first place. LOL My contractions started up and they kept on going so we took the children to my parents house and went to the hospital. I think the main reason why I went is because I kept having contractions but nothing was really progressing.
So on Feb. 7th we wound up in L & D where they hooked me up the machines and monitored me for like an hour and my contractions had AGAIN slowed down and when they checked me I was 1cm with 70% effacement. So they sent me home but before they did that's when all the questions started about pre-natal care and how do I know my due date is really the 8th. blah blah blah. so the midwife set me up with all kinds of appts. i got bloodwork done before i even left the hospital that night and then the next day on the 8th I was sent to get an in-depth ultrasound done to make sure the baby was alright and she was of course but my technician didn't have any idea of what she was doing because we were there for an hour and a half and she had to call someone to help her see. can you believe that???
then i had an appt on feb. 9th to get a non stress test (NST) done and have my amniotic fluid level checked and also to see the ob/gyn. that's when i found out that my fluid level was at 6.2 and if was near 5 i would be induced. the ob checked me and even though i was having contractions, i was still only 1 cm dialated, 70% effaced at -1 station and my cervix was posterior. then he scheduled me to have another NST and amnio fluid check for saturday feb. 10th. when i went in that day i my fluid was supposedly at 8.6. so i didn't think anything of it and went about the rest of my weekend because i already had an appt for monday the 12th to get another NST and amnio fluid check.
at this point we were so tired of driving 45 miles to the doctor that we really didn't even feel like going anymore but i guess dh was the sensible one, so we made the trip once again this time with ALL of our children in tow because dd didn't have school for the holiday. the NSTs were always great but when she checked my fluid it was at 3.something all i remember was her saying to me "your time is up" and me saying "oh sh!t". big laugh her asking me if i had somewhere to be and me saying i have to find someone to watch my children. LOL
we started calling everyone and the nearest person was still an hour away from us. i stalled in the waiting room of the L & D dept for about 1/2 hour with my chart. then i finally went and checked in about 11:30am. they didn't start my induction until 1:30pm and it progressed slowly as they induced me with pitocin because my cervix was 80% effaced and i was dialated 3cm but still at -1 and posterior. so the doc pulled my cervix forward and i we waited for something to get started.
i can say that stuff didn't really get started until about 6:30-7pm because that is when i finally was at 6 cms and things got hectic. LOL so i was laboring and my mom was trying to take my mind off of things by telling me to find my chi... we both do yoga and that was totally the wrong time but the right time. LOL labored some more and i could tell that i was near the pivotal point the last couple of cms because the pain was unbearable and my contractions were every 1.5 to 2 mins apart. i gave in ladies because i couldn't take the pain any longer and i got an epidural around 9:30 and by the time that they actually finished giving it to me, the doc checked and found out that i was completely dialated. i was afraid that it would've slowed my labor. LOL
once the epi kicked in it was about 10:45pm and i was still feeling the pressure but it was tolerable. LOL so the nurse asked if i was ready to push and i told her yep, so she and dh had me pushing until about 11:15pm and then she told me to hold on because she had to get either the midwife or ob to come and deliver the baby can you believe that? LOL it was too bad because little mama was coming out all by herself at this point. big laugh the ob finally arrived and around 11:45pm and i was free to push. my beautiful baby girl was born on 2/13 at 12:05am.
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